Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Today is the New Year's eve! I can't believe how fast time goes by!!

It seems like only a couple months ago when we saw last year's Kohaku.

Anyway, I went to Hiroshima last weekend. It was my second visit there.
I visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the museum.
At the center of the park, there is a monument that covers a Cenotaph holding the names of the people killed by the atomic bomb.

The Cenotaph says, "Repose ye in Peace, for the error shall not be repeated."

There is another monument called Peace Flame. You can see through the flame and the A-bomb dome on the picture.
The peace flame has burned continuously since 1964, and will remain lit until all nuclear bombs on the planet are destroyed. When would that be???
I hope very soon....

I wish everyone in the world a happy new year of 2009. LOVE

Friday, December 26, 2008


Yesterday, I went to see a play of which I wrote a script.

It was going pretty well. I am glad that the audience seemed to enjoy it very much.

There was a beautiful Christmas tree near the theater. How pretty!!

Today, every decoration in the city has been changed from Christmas to New Year! It sure is the busy time of the year...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Meryy Christmas!

Well, sorry's been a long time since I last wrote my blog...

Thank you for sending messages to me anyway.

Last three month, I was very busy and stressed out mainly by working on a computer. Whenever I work on a computer for a long time, I get a bad headache... (It might be something to do with my getting the lasik eye surgery. )

So, my doctor recommended me not to look at a computer screen as much as possible.

Now, I finally finished writing two scripts and am back to this blog!!
(^^) I will try to update this blog more often.

Well, it's Christmas eve! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. Me?? I am busy writing new year cards...(^^;)
Below is the sign inside of the showcase at a noodle restaurant. It says "Table SHEETS upstairs"....