Thursday, August 28, 2008


Wow! It's been a while... I was tied up with the play rehearsals and writing a script for another play. Sorry!

So, the Olympics is over! Did you enjoy it? I couldn't watch most of the games on live but I enjoyed watching the highlight scenes every night. It's great to see the athletes from all over the world get together for this special event.

But I felt so sorry for a Japanese marathon runner Mizuki Noguchi, a gold medalist of the Athens Olympics, who had to give up on joining the event at the last minute due to the injury... I can't imagine how hard her decision was for her... She had practiced for 4 years just for this 2 week event. Well, maybe she can try for the London Olympics!! I hope so!

Anyway, yesterday was the opening night of our play. The audience seemed to enjoy it so I am pretty much relieved now.

The drama takes place at an old hotel of 1970s.

I will take pictures of the stage and me today and put them up tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Ganbaruzo, Kay-san! ^-^

Wow, you sure work a lot this time! I really would like to watch you perform only if money isn't a hindrance. ^ ^;

My family and I watched the Olympics throughout its entire duration. Some are live, and some are tape delayed. My, it was just simply breath taking!

I wish you and the entire cast goodluck on your upcoming play! ^-^

Anonymous said...

By the way, I tuned in on Kosuke Kitajima to see his record-breaking performances! ^-^

Anonymous said...

When is your tomorrow?
I've been looking forward to the pictures.
You must be very busy, though.

woodfire said...

Long time no see, aki chan na no yo ne? You look so different and I may not recognize you even actually seeing you. Amy chan told me your blogspot. Now, you are writing a play script! Lovely-this is the way NZlanders would say. I am very happy for you. We are in Hawai'i again. Binboo hima nashi as usual but we are really happy to be here. Minna ni yoroshiku ne.

Kay said...

Thank you very much! Ganbarimashita!!
Kitajima's performance was great, wasn't it??

Sorry...I didn't have time to fix my computer for a while. Thank you for reading my blog though.

Wow! Is it Nakade sensei?? I'm so glad to hear from you. You are in Hawaii now? How nice!! It's been more than 10 years, hasn't it? Mike Gallan contacted me a while ago by finding this blog. Let me know what you are up to!

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