Friday, April 25, 2008

Lions for Lambs

Yesterday, I saw a movie "Lions for Lambs" (the Japanese title is "Ooinaru Inbo" which means the "great conspiracy").

I didn't know much about the movie beforehand, so I was imagining it would be like one of those Hollywood type movies with many action scenes and sentimental story wasn't. It was more like a movie of Robert Redford, a director , telling us to stop and think on your own about the war.
There are no good guys nor bad guys in the movie. Each charactor has their own stance and they try to convence the audience through their debates.

After I watched the movie, I have been thinking about it over and over.

I am a volunteer member of a NPO which supports children in Iraq suffering from leukemia. They became ill due to the cluster bombs. So many people including children have lost their lives all over the world because of war and terror...

What can we do?? What do we need to do now?? ..............


Anonymous said...

I believe that we can do something about it, but the possibilities that it can really do something is very slim.

If I'm not mistaking, those bombs were put by American forces during the war against Hussein. But because of the violence made by "democracy's enemies", most of them America's enemies, it is most likely that they will stay there longer. Troops staying there longer would mean violence, and violence there means bombs, bombs, and nothing but bombs...!

A signature campaign submitted to their Congress would be nothing to them because they are clinging to their long-held title...I guess the best thing to do is for you to continue your NPO's campaign and pray to the Lord Almighty that all of those violence will end...

Pagpalain ka ng Diyos...!May God bless you...!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kay! Hisashiburi da ne!

Remember me, JM Reyes?

It's good to know that you're into charitable work!

For me, it isn't necessary to launch something big so quickly. Even a small start of simple deeds for those children can make a difference. Later on, these small deeds will bring a big change.

By the way, I'm sorry if I dropped by in your new blog late as I've been very busy and preoccupied these past few weeks. But I'm so happy to interact with you again!

If you can, please do also drop by my new blog at

"May the wind be always at your back!" ~ Ryan Drees (rings a bell, huh?)


Kay said...

Yes, I do pray for world peace...

Thank you JM for visiting my site! It's good to hear from you again.